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On Wednesday 30th August, during her port visit to Djibouti, EU Naval Force warship ESPS Rayo conducted Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB) training in support of the Djiboutian Coast Guard.
Sep 04, 2017
Operation Atalanta’s Italian flagship, ITS Virginio Fasan, recently spent time alongside in the port of Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.  This marks the fourth visit of EU NAVFOR warships to the Sultanate of Oman this month.
Aug 31, 2017
Protecting potentially vulnerable vessels from piracy off the coast of Somalia is one of Operation Atalanta’s key tasks. The Spanish warship, ESPS Rayo, recently escorted two World Food Programme (WFP) chartered Dhows as she transited through the Gulf of Aden carrying precious food-aid.
Aug 29, 2017
For the third time this year, Republic of Korea and EU NAVFOR warships have come together to continue their cooperation in the fight against piracy.
Aug 25, 2017
The Republic of Korea warship, ROKS Dae Jo Young, has recently been deployed with EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta off the coast of Somalia.  The invaluable cooperation between Republic of Korea and European Union warships is helping to strengthen maritime security to keep seafarers safe as they transit
Aug 24, 2017
On 12 August 2017 Force Commander of the European Naval Force Somalia Operation Atalanta (EU NAVFOR), Rear Admiral Fabio Gregori, met with the Minister Responsible for Foreign Affairs of Oman, H.E.
Aug 21, 2017
Operation Atalanta’s latest Maritime Protection Team (MPT) from Serbia has arrived in Djibouti to take over the protection of World Food Programme (WFP) vessel, MV Esbjerg, from the team from Montenegro.
Aug 17, 2017
During their recent port visit to Muscat, ESPS Rayo’s ship's company welcomed aboard the Deputy Head of Mission and Chargé D’affaires and interim Embassy of Spain in Muscat, Mr Luis Fonseca Sanchez.
Aug 16, 2017
On Thursday 11 August 2017 the EU Naval Force Montenegrin Maritime Protection team, which has been embarked on World Food Programme (WFP) vessel, MV Esbjerg, to protect it from pirate attack as it sailed along the Somali coast, has been awarded the Operation Atalanta medal for their outstanding effo
Aug 15, 2017
Earlier this month USNS Kanawha replenished ITS Fasan of EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta at sea (RAS).
Aug 14, 2017
Spanish Navy warship, ESPS Rayo, is currently deployed off the coast of Somalia as part of the European Union's counter-piracy operation.
Aug 10, 2017
On Friday 4th August Force Commander, Rear Admiral Fabio Gregori, visited EU NAVFOR'S highly trained Montenegrin maritime protection team which is currently deployed on board World Food Programme (WFP) chartered vessel, MV Esbjerg, off the coast of Somalia.
Aug 08, 2017