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On Thursday 3 August EU NAVFOR watchkeepers, who work in the Joint Operations Centre (JOC) within the Operational Headquarters in Northwood, London, ran a counter-piracy exercise to ensure that they remain fully prepared to respond to any piracy incident off the coast of Somalia.
Aug 07, 2017
Spanish Navy warship, ESPS Rayo, has completed a successful escort of a World Food Programme (WFP) ship, MV Al Safa, to the port of Bossaso in Somalia.  MV Al Safa was chartered by the WFP to take urgently needed food to the people of Somalia, under the protection of an EU NAVFOR warship.
Aug 04, 2017
EU NAVFOR’s Deputy Operation Commander, Rear-Admiral Alfonso Pérez de Nanclares, visited ESPS Rayo during her recent port visit to Djibouti and welcomed her back to Operation Atalanta.
Jul 28, 2017
On Thursday 27 July 2017 Rear Admiral Rafael Fernández-Pintado (Spanish Navy) handed over force command of the EU’s counter-piracy ‘Operation Atalanta’ to Rear Admiral Fabio Gregori (Italian Navy) during a ceremony in Djibouti.  EU NAVFOR’s Deputy Operation Commander, Rear-Admiral Alfonso Pérez de N
Jul 27, 2017
For the past five months Operation Atalanta’s Force Commander, Rear Admiral Rafael Fernández-Pintado Muñoz-Rojas, together with his multinational Force HQ staff, have been aboard EU NAVFOR’s flagship, ESPS Galicia off the coast of Somalia.
Jul 26, 2017
During their recent port visit to Muscat, ESPS Galicia’s ship’s company welcomed aboard the Spanish Ambassador to Oman, His Excellency José Antonio Bordallo Huidobro.
Jul 19, 2017
During a recent replenishment at sea off the coast of Somalia, Sea King helicopters from EU NAVFOR’s flag ship, ESPS Galicia, and a Merlin helicopter from UK supply vessel, RFA Fort Victoria, took the opportunity to carry out air coordination training.
Jul 18, 2017
In order to ensure warships can remain at sea for long periods they carry out replenishments at sea (RAS) with military supply vessels and tankers.
Jul 14, 2017
The medical team on board Operation Atalanta flagship, ESPS Galicia, regularly conduct medical exercises at sea to ensure that they remain fully prepared to deal with medical emergencies.  The crew are able to carry out a range of medical procedures, from routine first aid to life-saving surgery.
Jul 12, 2017
On Thursday 11 July 2017 Italian warship, ITS Espero, started her journey home to her base of Taranto after a 108-day deployment with EU NAVFOR off the coast of Somalia.
Jul 11, 2017
During their counter-piracy patrols off the coast of Somalia marines aboard EU NAVFOR’s Italian frigate, ITS Espero, carry out regular force protection training to ensure that they remain fully prepared to respond to a piracy-related incident or sea-borne attack from a hostile vessel.  During the tr
Jul 10, 2017
Intii ay ku guda jireen howlgalka ka dhanka ah kooxaha burcad-Baddeeda Soomaalidda ee ka socda xeebaha dalka Soomaaliya, ciidamada la dagaalanka Burcad-Baddeeda ee Midowga Yurub waxaa ay quudareynayeen sida ay kalluumeeysatada Soomaalidda ugala hadli lahaayeen kaalintooda ku aadan howlgalka Midowga
Jul 07, 2017