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The Italian Navy’s Maestrale-class frigate, ITS Espero, has been deployed off the coast of Somalia as part of EU NAVFOR’s counter-piracy operations since 25 March 2017.
May 31, 2017
A Spanish Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) detachment has been deployed to Djibouti from its military air base in Spain since December 2008 as part of Spain’s contribution to the European Union’s efforts to deter and disrupt acts of piracy against merchant ships and seafarers.
May 30, 2017
Between 19 - 22 May 2017 EU Naval Force Flagship, ESPS Galicia, paid a visit to Antisiranana to strengthen the strong bond that exists between the EU Naval Force and the people of Madagascar.
May 29, 2017
During ESPS Galicia’s port visit to Madagascar, Operation Atalanta’s Force Commander, Rear Admiral Rafael Fernández-Pintado Muñoz-Rojas, visited key government and military officials in Antisaranana.
May 28, 2017
The EU NAVFOR Montenegrin maritime protection team that is currently aboard the World Food Programme vessel, MV Esbjerg, has been busy this week carrying out training at sea to ensure that they remain fully prepared to deal with any incident.
May 27, 2017
This month staff from the EU NAVFOR operational HQ visited the Seychelles to deliver a Seychelles ‘Justice Pathway’ joint exercise.
May 26, 2017
As she sailed home through the waters of the Gulf of Aden from her 27,895 nautical-mile deployment from Italy to South East Asia and Australia, Italian Navy warship, ITS Carabiniere, took time to contribute to EU NAVFOR’s counter-piracy patrols along the Somali coastline.
May 25, 2017
Over the weekend Spanish Marines on board ESPS Galicia carried out extensive training on board as the crew and embarked battle staff maintain their vigilance in deterring piracy off the coast of Somalia.
May 24, 2017
During their recent port visit to the Seychelles, EU NAVFOR warship, ITS Espero, took the opportunity to carry out training with teams from the Seychelles Air Force and Marine Police Unit.
May 23, 2017
Spanish warship, ESPS Galicia, is currently operating off the coast of Somalia as part of the European Union’s efforts to deter piracy, protect World Food Programme vessels and to provide reassurance to merchant vessels as they transit the key trade routes of the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean, deliv
May 20, 2017
During their counter-piracy aerial patrols along the coast of Somalia the aircrew from EU NAVFOR’s Spanish Air Force Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) took the opportunity to overfly and make radio contact with their fellow countrymen aboard EU NAVFOR’s flagship, ESPS Galicia.
May 19, 2017
During their European Union counter-piracy patrols off the coast of Hobyo, the commanding officer of EU NAVFOR’s Spanish flagship, ESPS Galicia, took the opportunity to welcome on board Galmadug’s State Minister of Home Affairs, Omar Mohamed Diriye.
May 18, 2017