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On Monday 5 December 2016, Operation Atalanta’s Deputy Commander, Rear Admiral Cristóbal González-Aller Lacalle, visited the Spanish Orion Air Contingent XXVII, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Manuel Arozamena Sanz.
Dec 09, 2016
On Friday 25 November 2016, the Spanish Orion Air Contingent XXVI, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Juan Ferrero Barberán, completed a successful four month deployment with Operation Atalanta.
Dec 09, 2016
On Tuesday 6 December 2016 Spanish sailors from EU NAVFOR warship, ESPS Relampago, rescued two men at sea after they become stranded on two upturned skiffs twenty four miles north of the island of Socotra in the Gulf of Aden.
Dec 06, 2016
On Tuesday 6 December Dutch flagship HNLMS Tromp started her long journey back to her home port of Den Helder in the Netherlands after completing a four month deployment with the European Union’s counter-piracy operation, Atalanta off the coast of Somalia.
Dec 06, 2016
On Saturday 3 December ESPS Relampago conducted maritime training with members of the Somaliland Coastguard. The training included radar and Search and Rescue (SAR) training.
Dec 05, 2016
As the Operation Atalanta flagship, HNLMS Tromp, and her embarked Force Headquarters staff prepare to leave the EU counter-piracy operation and return to The Netherlands, the Force Commander made a final trip to ESPS Relámpago to bid farewell to Spanish colleagues.
Dec 05, 2016
On Saturday 3 December EU NAVFOR sailors, supported by staff from EUCAP Nestor, carried out radar training on board the Spanish offshore patrol vessel, ESPS Relampago, in Berbera Bay, as a precursor to an engagement the following day on board EU NAVFOR flagship, HNLMS Tromp.
Dec 04, 2016
On 19 November Operation Atalanta’s Force Commander, Commodore Luyckx, paid a visit to the Dutch-flagged cargo ship, Super Servant 3, during the vessel’s transit from Safaga in Egypt to Abu Dhabi in the UAE.
Nov 29, 2016
On Monday 28 November 2016, the European Council extended Operation Atalanta’s mandate to deter, disrupt and repress acts of piracy off the coast of Somalia, until 31 December 2018.
Nov 28, 2016
On Monday 21 November Operation Atalanta’s Force Commander, Commodore Luyckx, welcomed the Japanese Commander, Captain Minami, on board of Dutch flagship, HNLMS Tromp.
Nov 23, 2016
On Monday 21 November, HNLMS Tromp and ESPS Relampago met Japanese Warship, JS Suzutsuki, at sea. During the rendezvous, the three ships conducted navigation manoeuvres to hone the skills of their navigation teams.
Nov 21, 2016
EU sister-missions, EUCAP Nestor and EU Naval Force Somalia (EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta), recently held a series of meetings with state government officials and local leaders in Bossasso, in the Puntland state of Somalia.
Nov 19, 2016