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On Monday 24 October Spanish warship, ESPS Santa Maria, completed her six month deployment with Operation Atalanta off the coast of Somalia and handed over this important role to Spanish warship, ESPS Relampago.
Oct 25, 2016
Whilst conducting EU NAVFOR counter-piracy patrols near to the Somali coastline, Dutch frigate and Operation Atalanta flagship, HNLMS Tromp, met a number of Somali fishermen and took the opportunity to explain how EU Naval Force warships are helping to keep the seas s
Oct 20, 2016
Wednesday 12th October was a memorable day for the sailors of Spanish warship, ESPS Santa Maria.  Not only was it the Kingdom of Spain’s national day, it was also the thirtieth anniversary since the warship was commissioned into the Spanish Navy.
Oct 18, 2016
During MSM Douro’s recent port visit to Mombasa, the Serbian maritime protection team that is currently embarked as part of Operation Atalanta’s protection of World Food Programme vessels carrying humanitarian aid for displaced people in Somalia, welcomed the First Se
Oct 17, 2016
Operation Atalanta’s French warship, La Fayette, was recently welcomed into the port of Mombasa. This was the first time an EU Naval Force ship has had the opportunity to visit the Kenyan port in over a year.
Oct 13, 2016
During their recent port visit to Dar es Salaam, sailors from the Operation Atalanta flagship,   HNLMS Tromp, conducted two days of Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB) training with personnel from the Tanzanian Navy and Coastguard.
Oct 12, 2016
On Sunday 2 October the Operation Atalanta Force Commander, Commodore Luyckx, awarded the Operation Atalanta Medal to the multinational staff members embarked onboard the flagship, HNLMS Tromp.
Oct 11, 2016
On Tuesday 4 October 2016, Atalanta Force Commander, Commodore Luyckx, visited the acting Chief of the Tanzanian Navy Brigade, General Rogastian Shabani Laswai.
Oct 11, 2016
On Thursday 6th October 2016, Atalanta’s Operation Commander, Major General Rob Magowan, visited the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Kitack Lim, at the IMO headquarters in London.
Oct 09, 2016
Earlier today Operation Atalanta warship, ESPS Santa Maria, arrived in the Seychelles for a port visit.
Oct 05, 2016
On 30 September a team from EUCAP Nestor, led by the recently appointed Head of Mission, Maria-Cristina Stepanescu, paid a visit to the Operation Atalanta flagship, HNLMS Tromp.
Oct 04, 2016
On Wednesday 28 September 2016, Atalanta was boosted by the arrival of French warship La Fayette.
Oct 03, 2016