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Having departed her home port in the Netherlands weeks earlier, on Thursday 27 August 2015 Royal Netherlands Navy warship, HNLMS Groningen, arrived in the Gulf of Aden to start her counter-piracy operations with the EU Naval Force.
Sep 05, 2015
During the Colombian warship’s recent port visit to Muscat, ARC 7 de Agosto welcomed officers from the Sultan Qaboos Naval Academy on board.
Sep 05, 2015
The Colombian warship, Arc 7 de Agosto, is currently working with the European Union’s counter-piracy operation off the coast of Somalia.
Sep 05, 2015
On Tuesday 1st September 2015, Spanish warship, ESPS Meteoro, joined Operation Atalanta off the Coast of Somalia for the second time.
Sep 03, 2015
Since the start of August 2015, a team from the Lithuanian Navy has been stationed on board World Food Programme (WFP) vessel, MSM Douro, as part of Lithuania’s contribution to the European Union’s counter-piracy efforts off the coast of Somalia.
Sep 01, 2015
Since the Spanish D4 CASA-235 Vigma Air Contingent took over counter-piracy duties from the Spanish P-3 Orion crew in July 2015, the team has been very busy patrolling the waters off the coast of Somalia forever on the look-out for any potential pirate activity.
Sep 01, 2015
On Sunday 20th August, during a port visit to Djibouti, Operation Atalanta warship, FGS Erfurt, hosted and trained members of the Djiboutian Navy and Coast Guard.
Sep 01, 2015
On Saturday 22 August FGS Erfurt carried out her first replenishment at sea (RAS) since deploying with Operation Atalanta off the coast of Somalia.
Sep 01, 2015
During a recent counter-piracy patrol off the coast of Somalia, Operation Atalanta flagship, ESPS Galicia, conducted a ‘replenishment at sea’ (RAS) with USNS John Ericsson.
Aug 26, 2015
On Monday 24th August 2015, the Operation Atalanta Force Commander, Rear Admiral Gómez Fernández de Córdoba, was welcomed on board FGS Erfurt.
Aug 25, 2015
On Sunday 23rd August 2015, the Deputy Commander of Operation Atalanta, Rear Admiral Christoph Joachim Müller-Meinhard, visited ESPS Galicia whilst at sea in the Gulf of Aden.
Aug 25, 2015
On Saturday 22 August, ESPS Galicia rendezvoused with ARC 7 De Agosto off the coast of Somalia as part of the Colombian warship's collaboration with Operation Atalanta.
Aug 25, 2015