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During a recent port visit to the Seychelles, the EU Naval Force warship, ESPS Relampago conducted local maritime capacity building (LMCB) training with the Seychelles Coast Guard.
May 06, 2014
On 30 April, container ship MV Jumme Trader launched a SOS message after a crew member became very ill.
May 03, 2014
On Thursday 1 May Latvia celebrated its 10th anniversary as a member of the European Union.
May 02, 2014
The Greek Navy frigate HS Psara which has been deployed with the European Union Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta since February has provided emergency medical assistance to the crew member of a dhow.
Apr 30, 2014
Following their recent port visit to the Seychelles, EU Naval Force Warship FS Floréal assisted four Seychelles fishermen who were stopped in the water having suffered an engine failure on their way back to the Seychelles.
Apr 29, 2014
During a port visit to Djibouti, Rear Admiral Jürgen zur Mühlen, met with the Chinese Military Attaché to Djibouti, Ji Mingzhou, on board the EU Naval Force flagship FGS Brandenburg.
Apr 28, 2014
Whilst conducting counter-piracy operations off the Horn of Africa different nations from different task forces often meet. In this case the US supply ship USNS Joshua Humphreys from Task Force 53 provided two flagships with fuel.
Apr 18, 2014
The Force Commander of EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta, Rear Admiral Jürgen zur Mühlen, met with his counterpart from the Counter Piracy Mission Operation Ocean Shield, Rear Admiral Eugenio Diaz Del Rio.
Apr 16, 2014
On 11 April the Force Commander of EU Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta, Rear Admiral Jürgen zur Mühlen, visited the first ship of his task force since he took over command.
Apr 15, 2014
Since Rear Admiral Jürgen zur Mühlen assumed force command of the EU Naval Force on Sunday 6 April, he has been very busy ensuring that his flagship, FGS Brandenburg, and the rest of the EU Naval Force warships and maritime patrol air
Apr 14, 2014
"All those involved in the replenishment at sea are required at their station".  When this order is broadcast over loudspeakers on board the German tanker FGS Rhön, the seamanship crew reacts quickly by donning their hard hats and safety gear before making final prepa
Apr 14, 2014