Press Releases

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"The presence of EU NAVFOR clearly benefits the security and stability of the region."
Jun 12, 2019
Suspects are set to reappear in court in the Seychelles on 21 June.
Jun 07, 2019
The FS Surcouf has supported Operation Atalanta in the past, including deployments in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017 and 2018.
Jun 03, 2019
"It is a sad day in Rota, because we are losing our Montenegrin representation in the OHQ."
May 31, 2019
Grazie all'equipaggio di Carlo Margottini e alla Marina Militare Italiana per il loro contributo!
May 30, 2019
"The need for a strong maritime security presence in the High-Risk Area remains critical for the deterrence and prevention of future incidents and attacks."
May 28, 2019
Meeting reiterates: Piracy not eradicated off the Horn of Africa
May 26, 2019
PIRACY ATTACK OFF THE COAST OF SOMALIA Suspects have been transferred to Seychellois Authorities.
Apr 26, 2019
In the spirit of fostering continued cooperation between international partners and to support counter-piracy operations in the region, US tanker USNS Bighorn has conducted a Replenishment At Sea with EU NAVFOR Spanish warship ESPS Meteoro.
Jun 18, 2018
EU NAVFOR’s Spanish Warship, ESPS Patiño, has supported the EU NAVFOR Italian Flagship, ITS Carlo Margottini, in its counter-piracy mission with a Replenishment At Sea (RAS).
Apr 20, 2018
Doon xamuul ah oo ka rajiirtarsan indiya ayaa laga,afduubay xeebta somaliya maalintii Sabtida 1 April 2017, EU NAVFOR: marlabaad waxay leedahay maraakiibta oo dhan waa inay sifiican u Foojignaadaan. Maraaakiibta waxa si,xoogan lugulatalinayaa in isdifaacaan.
Apr 06, 2017