Press Releases

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Djibouti, 14 September 2019—As monsoon season comes to an end in the waters off the Horn of Africa, EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation ATALANTA welcomes returning reinforcement from the German Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA).
Sep 20, 2019
“We are in a changing world... Therefore, our needs for trade will change and adapt to a new global landscape.” Nusrat Ghani U.K. Minister for Maritime
Sep 18, 2019
"Meeting with R. Adm. Simi enabled us to discuss future collaboration and cooperation and enhance information sharing in our fight against piracy." Rear Admiral Byeong-Ju Yu Commander of CTF 151
Sep 17, 2019
6 September 2019—Last week, EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation ATALANTA provided support to United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) vessels that were carrying NGO and United Nations Staff through the Gulf of Aden.
Sep 06, 2019
"Both EU NAVFOR and the Omani authorities present in Salalah reiterated their mutual will to cooperate in the shared objective of protecting maritime trade passing through the Gulf of Aden."
Aug 29, 2019
Rota, 27 August 2019--This week, EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation ATALANTA's Montenegrin Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment (AVPD) handed over their duties to the next Lithuanian team.
Aug 27, 2019
Bossasso, 19 August 2019—This week, EU NAVFOR Somalia Operation Atalanta Force Commander Rear Admiral Armando Paolo Simi met with various key leaders in Bossasso.
Aug 21, 2019
In various meetings with key partners in Mogadishu, the new Force Commander became familiarized with international stakeholders acting in Somalia.
Aug 05, 2019
During a meeting with the French Forces stationed in Djibouti (FFDJ), Operation ATALANTA Deputy Commander R. Adm. Giovanni Battista Piegaja met with French Base Commander Colonel Francois Tricot and Deputy COMFOR FFDJ Colonel Emmanuel Antoine.
Jul 31, 2019
Djibouti, 24 July 2019—During a ceremony on the French Armed Forces Base (BA188) in Djibouti, where the Spanish Operation ATALANTA contingent P-3M Orion aircraft is deployed, Lt. Col. José Ignacio Jaime Peñuela officially transferred command to Lt. Col. Miguel Ángel Sáez Nievas.
Jul 30, 2019
Djibouti, 22 July 2019--Among many meetings that Operation ATALANTA Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Giovanni Battista Piegaja attended in Djibouti this week, were meetings with Djiboutian authorities at the Djiboutian Armed Forces Headquarters, the Diboutian Navy Headquarters/Coordination &am
Jul 26, 2019
The Italian Rear Admiral Armando Paolo Simi takes command of EU NAVFOR's 32nd Force Headquarters
Jul 23, 2019