RADM (ITN) GUMIERO, CTF 465, meets RADM (USN) SANDERS, CTF 151, and RADM (PTN) DA CUNHA, CTF 508, onboard USS CHOSIN, in the Gulf of Aden.

Dec 31, 2009 - 17:28
On the 28th of December, COMEUNAVFOR, Rear Admiral Giovanni Gumiero,  met the Commander of Combined Task Force 151 and the Command of Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1), on board USS CHOSIN (CTF 151 Flagship), while patrolling in the IRTC, in the Gulf of Aden.

The meeting allowed the three CTFs to continue the close relationship between the three Task Forces and to exchange information to enhance the excellent level of cooperation that already exists. RAdm Gumiero stated that “Coordination of effort amongst all the players is the key to success in this Region and a more synergic approach will allow us to succeed against the common threat: piracy.

The European Naval Force operates in an area comprising the south of the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and part of the Indian Ocean, which includes the Seychelles. An increasing number of International Naval warships operate in this zone and provide permanent or temporary backup to the action conducted by the European Union Naval Force, NATO and CMF. The EU NAVFOR Somalia - Operation ATALANTA maintains excellent liaison with these forces through the Shared Awareness and Deconfliction Meeting (SHADE) which is co chaired with CMF. The SHADE meeting members also include nations such as Russia, India, Japan and the Chinese.


