
EU NAVFOR Force Headquarters Commander, Rear Admiral Hernández arrived in Mogadishu today, where he met with colleagues of some of the international bodies working in Somalia. The meetings took place at the International Campus and at the UN Compound, near the Mogadishu International Airport.
Apr 15, 2019
Deterrence, repression and prevention of piracy begins with the identification of the threat. EU NAVFOR has been making use of Spanish Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) for nearly 10 years with 1000 missions and more than 10,000 hours flown to keep a watch from the skies.
Jul 23, 2018
Guarding World Food Programme (WFP) and vulnerable vessels in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden is one of Operation Atalanta’s key tasks.
Jul 18, 2018
Deterrence and protection are 24/7 tasks that EU NAVFOR conduct that need constant information. A pivotal asset within Operation Atalanta is the Spanish Airforce P3-C Orion Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA).
Jul 06, 2018
On Wednesday 4th April, 2018, Rear Admiral (RADM) Simone Malvagna, EU NAVFOR Force Commander (FCDR), met with Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, the Djiboutian Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.
Apr 07, 2018
German and Japanese Navy Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) rendezvoused in the skies above the Gulf of Aden combining their proven capabilities.
Dec 14, 2017
EU NAVFOR confirms two vessels were attacked over the weekend of 17-18th November 2017. The first was MV Ever Dynamic and the second was Galerna III
Nov 20, 2017
On Monday 31 July 2017 sailors from ITS Virginio Fasan greeted local Somali fishermen during their EU NAVFOR counter-piracy patrols.
Aug 02, 2017
During EU NAVFOR counter-piracy patrols in the southern Indian Ocean, the commanding officer of ITS Espero, Commander Luigi Pirozzi, took the took the opportunity to visit the port of Antsiranana in Madagascar to strengthen ties with a key ally in the fight against piracy.
Jun 10, 2017
Horraantii usbuucan markab dagaalka ciidanka badda ee Midowga Yurub ee ESPS Relampago ayaa muddadii la ga waday hawlgallada la ga ga hortagayo burcad badeeda ayaa kula kulmay kalluu-maysato Soomaaliyeed meelo u dhow xeebta Soomaaliya.
Jan 10, 2017
On 19 November Operation Atalanta’s Force Commander, Commodore Luyckx, paid a visit to the Dutch-flagged cargo ship, Super Servant 3, during the vessel’s transit from Safaga in Egypt to Abu Dhabi in the UAE.
Nov 29, 2016