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On 20 May, ESPS INFANTA ELENA, the Spanish patrol vessel finished asan EU NAVFOR warship after 84 days proudly flying the European Flag.  
May 23, 2011
 On 17th May, EU NAVFOR Portuguese warship VASCO DA GAMA, flagship for Operation ATALANTA, hosted the visit of the Portuguese Chief of Defence, General Luís Araújo.
May 19, 2011
During the morning of 13 May, the EU NAVFOR Portuguese warship NRP Vasco da Gama  successfully intercepted a Dhow which is suspected of operating as a pirate mothership.
May 15, 2011
During the afternoon of the 13 May, the EU NAVFOR French warship FS NIVÔSE disrupted a Dhow that was suspected of being used as a Pirate Action Group (PAG) mothership since it was pirated over a year ago.
May 14, 2011
On 4 May, the United Kingdom Minister of Armed Forces (Min AF), Nick Harvey MP visited the Operational Headquarters in Northwood, London.
May 12, 2011
On the 10 of May, in Dar Es Salaam – Tanzania, the EU NAVFOR Force Commander, Commodore Alberto Correia, received the visit of some of the local diplomatic authorities for a lunch onboard the flagship, EU NAVFOR Portuguese warship VASCO DA GAMA.
May 12, 2011
Commanded by Commander Panagiotopoulos, the ship and its crew are fully prepared and trained to take an active part within Operation ATALANTA and in all counter-piracy operations.
May 12, 2011
On 22 April, the EU NAVFOR French warship FS GUÉPRATTE was tasked to patrol the East coast of Somalia as part of her counter-piracy duties on Operation ATALANTA.
May 10, 2011
In November 2010, Estonia became the 26th nation to participate in EU NAVFOR when a Vessel Protection Detachment (VPD) embarked on the EU NAVFOR German de
May 10, 2011
ESPS CANARIAS, the Spanish frigate finished as an EU NAVFOR warship after 126 days proudly flying the European Flag.
May 10, 2011
On the 5 May, the EU NAVFOR warship ITS ESPERO assisted the Italian Merchant Vessel ITAL GLAMOUR after it was attacked by pirates on the previous day.
May 09, 2011
EU Naval Force (EUNAVFOR) in conjunction with the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) have collaborated to develop an integrated maritime monitoring service (MARSURV) to allow EUNAVFOR to track merchant vessels in the High Risk Area off the coast of Somalia.
May 06, 2011