EU NAVFOR German frigate FGS KOELN foils an attack against a merchant vessel

Oct 04, 2010 - 15:44
On the evening of October 3, the EU NAVFOR German frigate FGS KOELN disrupted a suspected pirate skiff which was involved in the chase of a merchant vessel, in the Gulf of Aden.

The MV STAR II while in the Internationally Recognized Transit Corridor (IRTC), sent a mayday call that she was being chased by a pirate skiff. The Mayday call was intercepted by the EU NAVFOR German warship FGS KOELN, who launched her helicopter to go to the assistance of the merchant vessel.

On arrival of the helicopter at the scene, the suspected pirate skiff gave up the chase of MV STAR II and the occupants of the skiff were seen to be throwing equipment overboard. The helicopter fired warning shots and the skiff stopped.

FGS KOELN arrived and launched its boarding team which found six suspected pirates on board and a large amount of fuel, as all possible incriminating evidence had already been thrown overboard. Excess fuel on board the skiff was seized and, in the absence of evidence, the six suspected pirates were released.

In disrupting the attack, the EU NAVFOR frigate FGS KOELN prevented MV STAR II from a probable pirating.
