Press Releases

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Yesterday, 17 October, the Panama-flagged MV VOC DAISY was released from Garacad from under pirate control.
Oct 18, 2010
On the afternoon of 10 October, the owners of the Panama-flagged MV IZUMI reported that they had received an automatically released distress signal indicating that the vessel was likely to be under pirate attack.
Oct 11, 2010
The Taiwanese fishing vessel FENG GUO that had been reported by her owner as being pirated on 7 October 2010 is confirmed to be free from pirates this afternoon. The false report had been sent after the owner having been without contact with the ship for two days.
Oct 08, 2010
On 8 October 2010, the Taiwanese fishing vessel FENG GUO was confirmed pirated 250 nautical miles from Antisiranana, Madagascar. This is the most southerly vessel to be pirated since the operation began.
Oct 08, 2010
On Thursday 30 September, EU NAVFOR and NATO welcomed a delegation from the European Union Military Committee (EUMC) in Northwood’s headquarters (United Kingdom).
Sep 30, 2010
EU NAVFOR welcomes the third judgment, which was delivered on 29 September, in a Kenyan prosecution in connection with the interdiction of a pirate group by an EU NAVFOR warship.
Sep 30, 2010
The Panama-flagged MV ASPHALT VENTURE is confirmed to be pirated in the Somali Basin, approximately 100 nautical miles South-East of Dar es Salaam in the Somali Basin.
Sep 29, 2010
On Monday 27 September, EU NAVFOR welcomed the decision of the Kenya authorities to prosecute four suspected pirates, interdicted by the EU NAVFOR Spanish warship SPS GALICIA.
Sep 27, 2010
The Panama flagged MV LUGELA, which was reported on 25 September as been pirated, 900 nautical miles east of Eyl, in the Somali Basin, had been abandoned by pirates.
Sep 27, 2010
Today, 24 September 2010, the EU NAVFOR Spanish ship SPS Galicia’s boarding team approached a Kenyan dhow named “Sherry” off the eastern coast of Somalia. Suspicions were first raised when the dhow was observed towing 2 skiffs.
Sep 24, 2010
EU NAVFOR welcomes the second judgement, which was delivered Thursday 23 September, in a Kenyan prosecution in connection with the interdiction of a pirate group by an EU NAVFOR warship.
Sep 24, 2010
As the effectiveness of protection measures employed within the Gulf of Aden has increased, pirates have started to operate in previously unused areas to avoid interdiction by EUNAVFOR and other Counter-Piracy forces.  Through the 2009 inter-monsoon periods it became evident that Pirate Action Group
Sep 22, 2010