Press Releases

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On 17 September, while executing a patrol along the Somali coastline, the crew of EU NAVFOR ship FS DE GRASSE located and disrupted a Pirate Action Group comprising of six boats.
Sep 18, 2010
MV PANEGA was hijacked on 11 May 2010, approximately 100 nautical miles east of Aden (Yemen) in the Gulf of Aden. Today, 9 September, the vessel was released from Garacad from under pirate control.
Sep 09, 2010
Early on the morning of 8 September, the Merchant Vessel (MV) OLIB G, flagged Malta, was pirated in the East part of the Gulf of Aden.
Sep 08, 2010
EU NAVFOR welcomes the first judgement yesterday in a Kenyan prosecution in connection with the interdiction of a pirate group by an EU NAVFOR warship.
Sep 07, 2010
Yesterday, Wednesday 25 August, EU NAVFOR Operational Headquarters (Northwood – UK) welcomed maritime industry representatives for its sixth “Industry Workshop”.
Aug 26, 2010
At a ceremony in Djibouti on board the EU NAVFOR Swedish warship, HSwMS CARLSKRONA, Force Commander Rear Admiral (LH) Jan Thörnqvist who has been the Force Commander of  EU NAVFOR Operation ATALANTA for the last four months, handed over to Rear Admiral Philippe Coindreau of France.
Aug 14, 2010
Late at night on Friday 6 August the MV SYRIA STAR requested medical assistance for two crewmembers that were injured in the initial hijack.
Aug 07, 2010
During the afternoon of 5 Aug 2010, the MV SYRIA STAR reported that she was under attack from pirates who had climbed onboard and fired shots at the crew.  Helicopters were immediately dispatched to the vessel and tried to establish communications with the SYRIA STAR, which had stopped in the water.
Aug 05, 2010
Yesterday 3 August, EU NAVFOR ship SPS VICTORIA stopped a pirate attack on the MV BOW SAGA. The seven individuals apprehended have been returned to Somalia.
Aug 05, 2010
Early this morning Tuesday 3 August, the MV BOW SAGA sent a distress call that she was under attack from pirates in the middle of the Gulf of Aden. An EU NAVFOR unit close by sent her helicopter to assist and stopped the attack.
Aug 03, 2010
In the early hours of 2 August, the MV SUEZ reported being under small arms fire from a pirate attack and minutes later she reported pirates on board. After notification of the attack, attempts were made to make contact with the MV SUEZ but to no avail.
Aug 02, 2010
Early this morning, 29 July, the Maltese flagged merchant vessel MV FRIGIA was released.
Jul 29, 2010