Press Releases

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This afternoon, 29th March, the EU NAVFOR Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) from the Seychelles supported the Seychelles Coast Guard vessel Topaz to locate and apprehend a hijacked ship.
Mar 29, 2010
Reports have been received by EU NAVFOR that the MV Iceberg 1 has been hijacked 10 nautical miles off the port of Aden, Yemen, outside the International Recommended Transit Corridor (IRTC).
Mar 29, 2010
On the morning 27 of March the Malta-flagged tanker MV SAVEH with a deadweight of 150 000 tonnes, was attacked by a Pirate Attack Group (PAG) approximately 300 Nautical Miles north east of Seychelles.
Mar 28, 2010
EU NAVFOR can confirm that the MV Talca, previously reported hijacked on 23 March en route to Busheir in Iran, has now arrived off the Somali coastal location of Bargaal, not a known pirate holding area, approximately 400 km north of Eyl, a pirate stronghold.
Mar 25, 2010
Early on the morning of Tuesday 23 March, an EU NAVFOR warship received a distress call from a merchant ship off the Somalia coast and proceeded at high speed to assist.
Mar 24, 2010
Early on the morning of Tuesday 23 March, a Panamanian-flagged cargo ship, UAE owned, MV ALMEZAAN,  en route to Mogadishu, was attacked by pirates off the Somali coast. The ship was approximately 60 miles south of Haradere.
Mar 23, 2010
This afternoon, Tuesday 23 March, the Bermuda flagged British Virgin Islands owned cargo ship MV TALCA was reported hijacked.
Mar 23, 2010
This morning, 23 of March, the Malta flagged Turkish owned (Garanti Finansal Kiralama) cargo ship MV FRIGIA, deadweight 35,000 tonnes, was reported hijacked in the Indian Ocean.
Mar 23, 2010
On 19th March the EU NAVFOR Spanish warship NAVARRA was despatched by the Force HQ (ITS ETNA) to assist an Iranian dhow that had sent out a distress call.
Mar 22, 2010
It has been a busy week for the EU NAVFOR frigate HNLMS TROMP during Operations in the Somali Basin.
Mar 22, 2010
While EU NAVFOR Warship FGS EMDEN was proceeding to the last known position of a pirate attack  reported by the Spanish fishing vessel ALBATUN 2, on the 18th of March, her helicopter found one whaler and two attack skiffs with twelve persons onboard.
Mar 20, 2010
On 18 of March at 11.00, the Deputy commander EU NAVFOR Rear Admiral Bartolome Bauza ended a very successful visit to the Seychelles.
Mar 19, 2010