Dear reader,
We continue to be at full speed during the month of August, committed to our key role as a maritime security provider and taking advantage of the opportunities for cooperation and collaboration raised in the current monsoon period.
One of the more relevant activities was the visit of a high-level delegation during a joint exercise at sea with the Somali Police Force - Department of the Coast Guard and the Somali Navy Coast Guard in the vicinity of Mogadishu. We were honoured by the visit of the Chief of Staff of the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr Abdihakim Mohamed Yusuf accompanied by the EU Ambassador to Somalia, H.E. Ms. Karin Johansson, and the Head of EUCAP Somalia, Mr. Kęstutis Lančinskas on board our flagship ESPS NUMANCIA. They could follow in person this close cooperation with the Somali police forces. EUNAVFOR ATALANTA reaffirms its commitment to the security of Somali waters and emphasize the imperative of collaboration in addressing maritime threats and fostering stability in the region.
In addition to this joint exercise, we have supported capacity Building activities organised by EUCAP SOMALIA to the benefit of the Puntland Maritime Police Forces off Bosaso. I am confident that this action is crucial to our continuing fight against piracy. Moreover, in line with our holistic effort in the Western Indian Ocean, ATALANTA has conducted capacity enhancement exercises with the Kenyan Navy and Kenyan Coast Guard, as well as with the Djiboutian Coast Guard. These three forces have become through the pass of the years in strong partners to EUNAVFOR. One of the evidences that stress this robust cooperation is the encounter between the Kenyan Navy Commander, Major General Paul Oduor Otieno and EUNAVFOR Force Commander Rear Admiral Manuel Alvargonzález on my behalf. An honour for which I am deeply grateful.
My force commander had the opportunity to visit the Seychelles and explore avenues of cooperation with one of our most important partners. This port visit also offered us the possibility to pave our contribution with experience, commitment and means improving maritime security architecture in the area. We highlight our close cooperation with the Regional Coordination Operations Centre in Seychelles, with whom we participated in another joint Operation in August, including Kenyan Navy forces and CMF forces, which demonstrates the current capabilities of this extraordinary centre with which EUNAVFOR has very close and strong ties.
Finally, during this month we have bid farewell to numerous members of the Operation who have completed their rotations at both Operations Headquarter in Rota and Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa in Brest. And also to several of our colleagues who have served ATALANTA most time. Thanks to the efforts of all our men and women, the operation has managed to fulfil its tasks, to adapt permanently to the new demands of the area of operations and to advance along the path that will keep us as a reference maritime security provider in the Western Indian Ocean. Thank you all very much. BZ.

Throughout the month of August, Operation ATALANTA has continued to encourage the Voluntary Registration Scheme, as part of planning a safe maritime route. The registration is done through the Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa website and is free of charge.
This Voluntary Registration Scheme is one of the Best Management Practices n.5 (BMP5) and is a crucial tool for effective and timely action by ATALANTA forces and their maritime security partners.

During the month of August, one bulletin on the piracy threat in the Western Indian Ocean issued on the Maritime Security Centre – Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) website was promoted on EUNAVFOR ATALANTA's social media accounts for wider dissemination of information. The update warning on a suspicious approach to an oil tanker sailing close to the Horn of Africa on 26 August. This updated version includes infographic data, a list of cases and the assessment of EUNAVFOR ATALANTA.

On 3 of August, Operation ATALANTA ESPS NUMANCIA supported a Local Maritime Capacity Building exercise with Puntland Maritime Police Forces (PMPF) organised by EUCAP Somalia in vicinity of Bosaso.
The exercise consisted of a tactical simulated situation in which trainees discovered a suspected vessel using the Indo Pacific Regional Information Sharing (IORIS) platform and performed a Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS). They also conducted personnel identification procedures.
It was also an opportunity for the EUNAVFOR ATALANTA Force Commander, Rear Admiral Alvargonzalez, to meet with the Director General of the PMPF, Mr. Abdirabbi Abdisamad Mohamed.

On 7 of August, ATALANTA Force Commander, Rear Admiral Manuel Alvargonzález hosted a high-level delegation including the Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of Somalia, Mr Abdihakim Mohamed Yusuf accompanied by the EU Ambassador to Somalia, H.E. Ms. Karin Johansson, and the Head of EUCAP Somalia, Mr. Kęstutis Lančinskas on board our flagship ESPS NUMANCIA in vicinity of Mogadishu.
This event provided an excellent opportunity discussing strategic issues on maritime security and how to take this important collaboration further.

On 7 and 8 August, Operation ATALANTA ESPS NUMANCIA supported the training activities with the Somali Police Force - Department of the Coast Guard and the Somali Navy Coast Guard organised by EUCAP Somalia close to Mogadishu.
With the Somali Police Force - Department of the Coast Guard, the training consisted of a tactical simulated situation in which trainees discovered a suspected vessel using the Indo Pacific Regional Information Sharing (IORIS) platform and performed a Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS). Exercises included personnel identification and detention procedures.
With the the Somali Navy Coast Guard, the training consisted of First Aid, firefighting, and advance navigation techniques.

On 12 August, Operation ATALANTA Force Commander, Rear Admiral Manuel Alvargonzález, had the honor of meeting with the Chief of Staff of the Kenya Coast Guard, Richard N'geno.
In the last months, ATALANTA and Kenya Coast Guard have conducted joint exercises which show the close cooperation and mutual trust between the two forces. There is a common commitment to continue and improve the efforts against threats to maritime security in the region.
On 12 and 14 August, Operation ATALANTA flagship ESPS NUMANCIA conducted different trainings with the Kenya Navy in the port of Mombasa. The topic was: Maritime Interdiction Operations. These operations are conducted at sea to intercept and deter illicit maritime activities, and Boarding Vessel Seize and Secure (BVSS) training.
The drills were conducted in a simulation of the real conditions that boarding teams may face during these operations. These demanding conditions guarantee the best training and preparation necessary for an effective and safe resolution of any incident.

On 13 August, Operation ATALANTA Force Commander, Rear Admiral Manuel Alvargonzález, met with the Kenya Navy Commander, Major General Paul Oduor Otieno in Mombasa.
They discussed about the cooperation between ATALANTA and the Kenya Navy.

From 14 to 21 August, OperationATALANTA flagship ESPS NUMANCIA participated in a preventive patrol joint Operation “LEVANTE” coordinated by the Regional Coordination Operations Centre in Seychelles.
The main objective was to enhance mutual understanding and coordination of procedures on maritime security activities with other international partners, such as Kenya and Madagascar, together with the Combined Maritime Forces.
ATALANTA continues actively contributing to the support of the maritime security architecture in the Western Indian Ocean.

On 22 August, Operation ATALANTA Force Commander, Rear Admiral Manuel Alvargonzález, visited the Regional Coordination Operations Centre and the National Information Sharing and Coordination Centre in Seychelles. The aim of the visit was to strengthen the already existing relationship and to identify ways of future cooperation.

On 23 August, Operation ATALANTA Force Commander Rear Admiral Manuel Alvargonzález met with the Chief of the Seychelles Defence Forces, Brigadier Michael Anselme Marc Rosette and the Chief of Staff, Colonel Jean Attala. Information sharing between all actors is crucial to tackle maritime security threats in the area.

On 23 August, during the visit to Seychelles, Operation ATALANTA Force Commander Rear Admiral Alvargonzález had to opportunity to meet with two crucial Seychelles military authorities: Air Force Commander Lieutenant Colonel Rodney Zarine and Coast Guard Director Lieutenant Colonel David Arrisol. The comprehensive approach to address any threat to maritime security grants the most timely and effective joint actions.

During the month of August, EUNAVFOR ATALANTA integrated ships from Spain, The Netherlands and Italy in different support modalities.