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During a recent port visit of the EU Naval Force flagship, FS Siroco, to The Seychelles, the Force Commander, Rear Admiral Hervé Bléjean visited the Palais de Justice and Montagne Posée Prison.
Dec 30, 2013
During the EU Naval Force flagship’s port visit to the Seychelles, the EU force commander Rear Admiral Hervé Bléjean, paid a visit to the Luxembourg Maritime Patrol Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) team.
Dec 30, 2013
EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta warships FGS Hessen and ESPS Tornado recently met at sea whilst conducting Counter Piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia.
Dec 26, 2013
On Tuesday 17 December 2013, Rear Admiral Hervé Bléjean, the Force Commander of the European Union’s counter piracy operation, Atalanta, visited the Ukrainian frigate Hetman Sagaidachny.
Dec 18, 2013
During their recent port visit to Dar Es Salaam, EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Spanish Offshore Patrol Vessel, ESPS Tornado, conducted training with a team from the Tanzanian Navy.
Dec 18, 2013
When Rear Admiral Hervé Bléjéan took over the Force Headquarters of the EU Operation Atalanta on Friday 6 December, one of his first actions was to meet with the Force Commanders of the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), Commodore Aage Buur Jensen, and NATO's Operation O
Dec 18, 2013
On Friday morning 13 December 2013, Rear Admiral Hervé Bléjean, who is the EU Force Commander for Operation Atalanta warships conducting counter piracy patrols off the Somali coast, visited Federal German Ship (FGS) Hessen.
Dec 17, 2013
On Friday 13 December EU Naval Force frigate, ITS Libeccio came to the assistance of a Yemini fishing dhow that was sailing along the Somali coast with 38 people on board.
Dec 16, 2013
On Sunday, 15 December 2013, EU Naval Force French flagship, FS Siroco hosted a meeting with Somaliland representatives, including Vice President Abdirahman Abdallahi Ismail Saylici.  The visitors were welcomed on board by Mr Etienne de Poncins, Head of
Dec 16, 2013
Last Monday 9 December, EU Naval Force flagship FS Siroco came to the assistance of seafarers who had been adrift at sea for more than two days after their boat suffered engine failure.
Dec 14, 2013
On Wednesday 11 December the Force Commander of EUNAVFOR, Rear Admiral Hervé Bléjean , visited ITS Libeccio. The Italian warship is currently conducting counter piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean as part of the European Union’s Operation Atalanta.
Dec 13, 2013
On Wednesday 11 December, Spanish EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) ship ESPS Tornado completed a three day escort of a World Food Programme (WFP) chartered vessel. The WFP ship was escorted by ESPS Tornado from Mombasa to the port of Kismayo in Somalia.
Dec 13, 2013